Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Vision - Mission

The CFC Kids For Christ is a global ministry
of faithful, loving and enthusiastic children of God,
Guided by the Holy Spirit
In preparing a generation of Christ-like leaders
Who are instruments of hope and healing to families
That will bless the world

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Hi. My name is Alyssabeth Reyes, KFC Kids for Christ Southern California, and I am 9 years old. I would like to tell you about my GK project - Mission S.S.S., Mission Sibol School Supplies. One day I was at a restaurant with my Mom and I wondered what the restaurants did with the crayons they give to kids, especially since most kids leave the crayons behind after coloring for a little bit while they’re eating. My mom told me that they probably just throw them away, so I thought why not collect these crayons and give them to kids who really need them!
So, in 2004, I started collecting crayons for the SIBOL schools in GK Seco, Batangas and GK Gravahan in Davao City. When I brought the crayons to the Sibol kids, I saw how happy and excited they were to have supplies to use in their classrooms.
This year I wanted to do more!
I decided to collect gallon size Ziploc bags containing 6 pencils, a pack of 24 Crayola crayons, 24 pieces of construction paper, 30 pieces of wide ruled paper, 1 pair of scissors, a pencil sharpener, erasers, 2 glue sticks, a toothbrush, a photo of the child donor, and $1 for shipping. The gallon sized Ziploc bags of supplies will be sent to the Sibol schools in GL Baseco, Batangas (Seco and Gravahan), Mindoro and Bacolod in balikbayan boxes.
The reason that I chose to do this project is because I saw how happy the kids in the sibol schools were when I brought them the crayons. I know they don’t have too many school supplies and I think other kids just like me deserve to have all the supplies they need.
With the help of CFC Couples for Christ, SFC Singles for Christ, Handmaids of the Lord, and my family and friends (even my Girl Scout Troop!) we have been able to collect 884 kits, about 15 balikbayan boxes! Now, other GK supporters in areas across the US are adopting this same type of project and even more Sibol children will have the supplies they need. You’re never too small to be a hero; even we kids can be the agents of change we want to see in the world.
Our little hero, Alyssa, through her small but courageous efforts has sent valuable supplies for our Sibol children in 7 GK communities: Baseco - 3 boxes/180 kits; Davao City - 3 boxes/180 kits; Butuan - 2 boxes/120 kits; Batangas - 2 boxes/ 120 kits; Mindoro - 2 boxes/120 kits; Tacurong, Sultan Kudarat - 2 boxes/ 104 kits; Bacolod - 1 boxes/60 kits.
Her kindness truly inspires the young and the young at heart all over the world. She plans to do it again in June.